Exploitation of microalgae diversity for the development of novel high added-value cosmeceuticals

Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), Iera Odos 75, 11855, Athens, Greece, +30 2105294347
Centre National derechreches scientifique (CNRS), 25 Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble, France, +33 476881000
Apivita SA, Industrial Park of Markopoulo Mesogaias, 19003, Markopoulo Mesogeas, Greece, +30 2102856350
Fitoplancton Marino, Lugar Muelle Comercial, 11500 El Puerto de Sta Maria, Cadiz, Spain, +34 956561079
Dr. Emmanouil Flemetakis, mflem@aua.gr
Dr. William Helbert, helbert@sb-roscoff.fr
Dr. Giannis Mourtzinos, mourtzinos-g@apivita.com
Dr. Carlos Unamunzaga, info@easyalgae.com
Dr. Nikolaos Lambrou, lambrou@aua.gr
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